Monday, December 7, 2009

Responded to an phishing scam ! Now what?

When you have received a message about winning of lottery by a bank or any other financial organization and you have replied to it with all your personal and financial information. But after waiting for a long, you did not receive any notification for the same. Then you should run and check your bank account balance or so.
Even with an antivirus internet security installed on your computer system will be unable to protect it from such scams. Because you have yourself agreed to provide all your personal information with your consent. So, the antivirus internet security will be failure when these scams are able to fool you.
There are following steps which should be followed to minimize the damage which would be caused by such online frauds and scams.
You should report the incident to your bank whose credit card you are using. Because as soon as they get to know about the incident they will be able to protect your account form being compromised.
The next step is that you should change all your bank and e-mail accounts. You should review all your bank statements regularly for checking all the transactions made. Also, the password should be strong enough to be difficult and sometimes impossible to be caught up unauthorized users.
Use and install the latest e-mail program with anti-phishing capability. Also, it should be able to identify spams and harmful attachments.
Install the best internet security antivirus for better results. Regularly update these security applications. Turn on the automatic update at Microsoft update.
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